I was just curious if there is anyone interested here that would like to join the clan AH. AH stands for Apocalyptic Harbingers, don't ask me what that means I am not the leader. However I am the co-leader of the wc3 section of the clan (clan spands over 7 games.) We obviously have a website : http://clan-ah.net. We also use ventrilio and teamspeak and most of the clan uses AIM. We require no certain ratio or icons we just want people who can be active and are cool to talk to. If you are interested please respond back, go to channel: Clan AH or if I am not in the clan IM me @ SnuffeDofAH on Aol Instant Messenger. This clan has 200+ members but we really would like to see more members in the warcraft 3 section of the clan.
Thank you very much,
The average win rate when I checked was like around 47-48% This is because the wc3 section doesn't have as many active members as it did before.
If anyone wants to join and your active and are loyal you do have an shot at getting a high rank before the wc3 section starts filling up. We really want some very active players.
Thank you!
but I'm shamy in pGs now anyways.. -.-|||Yeah unfortunetly we are below 50%
But I really need some active members, it would just make the wc3 section a lot better, because right now its kinda dead. Cept for the leaders, and we are trying our hardest to get people to join.
Please join, thank you!
http://www.clan-ah.net|||most people here like the regular B.net games, not custom games, so a sub-50% win rate is not gonna be very attractive.|||I see what you mean. Well I will try to get the ratio above 50%
Thank you for the tip Ferrous.
http://www.clan-ah.net|||Greetings fellow gamers,
I am aVENGER.of.AH, I am a diplomacy specialist for Clan AH (Apocalyptic Harbingers).
I know this is an older post, but I figured Id give it a bump up since a lot has changed since we first reopened and this original post was made.
To answer your question about age, we really have a varied age, I would have to say our average is 19-22 years. However, even our younger members tend to show a strong sense of maturity.
So you have been through the usual grind of trying to find a clan. I'll try to cut through the formality and get straight to the point. Clan AH isn't for everyone. We strive to create a strong environment of gamers who act as a family.
Clan AH has been around for 5 years and has adopted the slogan "The Best Clan Ever", which is really our goal, to become the largest and most organized gaming clan ever.
We offer features that no other clan can give you. Allow me to mention some of these things:
Best Clan Ever Website:
This is probably the best way to get to know us, it gives a breakdown of our ranking system, reason you should join, our contacts, as well as a link to the AH|KB. Which leads me to my next point.
The AH|KB (AH Knowledge Base)
"The AH|Knowledge Base (AH|KB) is a large resource tool for Clan AH Members and Guests alike. You can find various Clan policies, procedures, and guidelines as well as development tools, tutorials, and contact information. The AH|KB should be referenced frequently and utilized to answer general questions Members may have. AH|Knowledge Base" ---Taken from the AH|KB Main page.
The sections in the AH|KB you will find are
-Ranks & Positions
-Guidelines & FAQ's
-Clan History
-Member Tools
-Public Relations
-Contact Info.
AH|RaDiO: "The AH"
Streaming live 24.7 AH|RaDiO is a clan radio run by clan members. All members are welcome to apply to become DJs and share their music with us.
Non-Linear Ranks
Clan AH used to run of off military ranks like most other clans, however, that has since been completely removed and a new non-linear ranking system has been put into place. While you still advance up in the beginning, the higher tier ranks are earned based on you specific skill, and usually are permanent. You can refer to http://www.bestclanever.com to view our ranking system.
VIP Member Packages
One could argue that this is a way of segregating members into categories but I do not feel this is true. Running a clan does take money, servers, website, it all costs. Those who help by supporting us financially get VIP status and get the following benefits:
-Custom Forum Title & VIP signature
-Username in GOLD on the Members page
-Access to VIP Lounge
-Exclusive AH|Downloads database
-Clan AH Email (@ClanAH.net - Unlimited Space!)
-"Welcome to VIP!" gram via the mail
-GFX request priority
-Sneak peaks to new website roll outs
-75% discount all AHconomy items
-Access to Clan AH calendar, docs, & start page
-Distinguished Financial Achievement Ribbon
-Unlimited access to Casino & Arcade on AH|Forums
-$2 Coupon Discount all AH|Merchandise
"Can I help you with anything?"
This was developed by AH Administration to show our dedication to providing friendly support to guests and fellow members. We are always ready and willing to assist you in every way.
An Active Community
Clan AH strives to keep our community active, that is why we put to use the trail member system where members must go through a brief stage of trail before they are instated as a member of the clan. During this time, incoming members are watched how the contribute to the community and reviewed by senior members. We dont focus on skill more than we do commitment to our clan.
We also have an always active forum where there is always something new to read and discuss as well as a populated ventrilo server.
Let me list all our clan information here before I go:
Clan Info:
http://www.clanah.net (Our Website)
http://www.bestclanever.com (Overview)
http://kb.clanah.net (Our Knowledge Base)
http://radio.clahah.net (AH|Radio Server)
http://ahforums.com (Our Clan Forums) (Ventrilo Server)
Clan AH Public Relations
AHmagine Yourself Here.|||I have a couple questions:
Do I have to use Battle.net to join?
How much does it cost to join?
What kind of a time commitment does the clan require?
Regardless of your answers to these questions, I am interested in joining your clan - my devotion to teaching is equal to my devotion to learning (very devoted). Your clan sounds marvelous.
I hope to hear from you soon.
TE|||Well you are on a WC3 board, I was under the impression you all played WC3.
If you played a battle.net game you would have to use battle.net which is free.
Those games would be Starcraft, Warcraft, and Diablo.
However we also support Counter Strike 1.6 and Source.
We also have a community section of our clan that requires no affiliation with a game.
We expect our members to be active participants, while we understand people can not be on all the time, we would like to see dedication in a clan.
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