There can be many reasons for your slow download 1 being
maybe your ports are blocked that could possibly slow down your upload rate to other people and to unblock this head over here
Port Fowarding
Just select your router model and then find warcraft 3 it should tell you how to foward your port
And also check your upload speed here
Speed Test
If it comes at anything lower then 100KBPS then you have very little upload speed and that is why its slow for other people to download|||Ya its my upload speed. its only at like 300 kbs, Any way to rig it or do i have to call my isp company?|||theres no way to rig it really.
But yeah call your ISP
Also it might not be you
it might just be the player.|||Quote:
I have good internet, and was wondering why i upload maps so slow when i host games? I download maps like no other. but When i host people just leave because they DL so slow :( Help please!!
I accept with information:There can be many reasons for your slow download 1 being maybe your ports are blocked that could possibly slow down your upload rate to other people.
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