Monday, April 16, 2012

Looking for TD map with snowman

Hi all. I played wacraft 3 about a year ago, maybe even longer ago, and i just reinstalled it. I always liked the (green) td maps, but i can't find the one i liked the most (not sure if it was green td, but i'm sure it was td). In that map you could upgrade your frost tower to some snowman like tower who could freeze all creeps. I thought it looked like he was shooting icebergs at the creeps. Does anybody remember the map?

edit: Someone told me the name of that frost tower is Jack Frost. Maybe that rings a bell to someone.

edit2: I found the map, turned out to be Green TD Wipeout. (I downloaded 2.6, don't know if all Green TD Wipeouts have got the jack frost)|||hello mate you can sure check out at you can find all the green td maps that were ever made there

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