I have come to ask you a few questions:
I'm shure you all know Dota (defense of the ancients), thats a game I started playing not long ago. I realy liked it, but i was a bit noobish at start...
Now everytime i press to join a Dota i sudenly get back to warcraft III main page, not being able to play the game.
I also don't understand those "apenso" and others weird things they say...
I might have left some games pushed by the pros in the past, do you think now im in their infamous "ban lists"
The other thing i wanted to ask is also related to dota.
Since i cant play it online, i'd like to play it offline. The problem is i cant get any friendly or enemy bots. I have heard i need the AI version, i downloaded it and instaled it correctly, but in the game, when select "custom game" and the dota game, the bars for player (or bot) selection do not appear and i cant start the game.
I read somewhere i needed to rename the map to a shorter name, i cant do that also, because ingame the name is shown as it was before being changed.
Thank you for reading and sharing your wisdom
Now everytime i press to join a Dota i sudenly get back to warcraft III main page, not being able to play the game.
I might have left some games pushed by the pros in the past, do you think now im in their infamous "ban lists"
It could be that they are ban list, or they may just be booting anyone that doesn't already have the map.
Ban lists are easily circumvented by switching usernames.
I also don't understand those "apenso" and others weird things they say...
Portugu�s (Portuguese)
v. - anexar, juntar, apossar-se
n. - anexo (m), apenso (m), acess�rio (m), depend�ncia (f) ou edif�cio (m) suplementar (Arquit.)
They may also be booting you if you have a name that sounds foreign to them.
Due to the longitudinal location of South America, I think they tend to use the USA East gateway. You could try using a different one as a way to avoid dealing with them.
I read somewhere i needed to rename the map to a shorter name, i cant do that also, because ingame the name is shown as it was before being changed.
Maps whose name's are too long will not show up in the game selection screen, and that is the only reason I know of that requires shortening the name of the file.|||oh wait. I acidentaly set my location wrong when i signed for this forum.
I'm from Portugal, Oporto. I play in the Northrend server (warcraft III frozen throne all updated)
I have the latest version of Dota, and i use the nickname "Elyst" wich in fact may sound a bit foreing. I'll try changing it. Thanks for the tip.
Regarding the Dota map name -> i can change the name, the problem is that the name is not changed ingame. for instance the name is "Defence of the Ancients (...)" i click the map (in the directory) and change name to "Dota". I open warcraft and go to custom game (single player) and the map name is shown as "Defence of the Ancients (...)"...
about the "apenso" ill just search around the game modes. I believe its related to random picking the characters or shortening the heroes you can select...|||Quote:
Regarding the Dota map name -> i can change the name, the problem is that the name is not changed ingame. for instance the name is "Defence of the Ancients (...)" i click the map (in the directory) and change name to "Dota". I open warcraft and go to custom game (single player) and the map name is shown as "Defence of the Ancients (...)"...
Changing that will require editing the map, which I don't think you can do since I believe DotA is protected.|||Quote:
Changing that will require editing the map, which I don't think you can do since I believe DotA is protected.
So...How can play Dota with AI?
With such a long name the warcraft III won't run it...
And i can shorten the name...
As anyone played DoTa offline wiht bots?
btw, thanks ive changed my name and managed to get into some dota games, i still need some practice at it, i can manage to start weel, but then other players just start lving faster than me and then they overpower me.
I also noticed that some dotas start normaly, others impose you a random character and others shorten the heros you can pick...how can i tell the diference?|||Quote:
I also noticed that some dotas start normaly, others impose you a random character and others shorten the heros you can pick...how can i tell the diference?
When someone hosts a game, the title of the game is usually prefixed with letters that describe what the rules will be. I think AP means "all pick", which means you can pick whichever unit you want. I think AR means "all random", which means you are forced to random pick.
There is probably a list somewhere of what all the title prefixes mean.|||I see...
About the AI versions
No one has any short name version or knows how to change the name?
I needed AI dota so i can pratice a bit...
Anyway thanks for the help so far ;)
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