Monday, April 16, 2012

Newbie Warcraft III question

Just started playing. Love it, but don't love the questing. Is it possible to play the game in a "non-quest" mode, as you can in WoW, or is the whole game about the quests?



So you bought Warcraft III and don't want to play the usuall campaing mode.

There are other modes you can play that don't involve "questing"

In the wc3 (warcraft 3) starting screen you can select "single player" or "" on the second option you can create an account and play many maps against other players with any race you want.

If you prefer to play alone, in the single player option you'll find "custom game" where you can select the map you like and play it with the races you'd like

You may also find new maps and game modes to download and play...

Theres no need to quest for fun :P

Hope it helps

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