Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Repost: Legends ORPG obsession

Seriously, I've covered every square inch of this map, starting from the northwest and ending at southeast, with both a level 35 Incarnation of Light and a level 37 Incarnation of Darkness (Demigods).

I have used blink to get to every conceivable out of the way little patch of land that can't be reached on foot.

In all honesty, I've spent about two weeks scouring the map to find out how to do this. I even did both characters in private BNET games, level by level, in case the triggers were removed when in single player and/or when using cheats.

Call me obsessed, but in all honesty i could care less about the god characters themselves, it's become personal. Like that jar you can't get open, but keep trying even though you know you should just run it under hot water.

Nobody has even revealed it online (or they don't know either). 2 hours of google searching every blasted forum conceivable and NOBODY has given it up to the millions of other people that have asked.

Is this even real? Is it just a hoax by the map-maker to mess with people like me?

So seriously, if anyone knows, I'd greatly appreciate some info, even hints or tips, though a flat-out answer would be preferred. If it's some big secret just message it to me, like I said I could care less about getting the character I just want to know the damn answer, I won't tell. Hell I've already done everything else in the game, so I'll probably never play it again anyways.

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